Top Level > Bears Already Adopted.
We are delighted to introduce to you the first of our new Gentlemen Bears, he is 7" tall and is called Tyrwhitt. We have made him from dark olive green mohair with a short, dense, flat pile which has a nice sheen, combined with this and giving him his lovely smart jacket is Prince of Wales checked genuine suit fabric. The addition of the pocket handkerchief, cuff buttons and the buttons down the front add to the jacket inpression and the fabric contrasts well with the dark green mohair. Tyrwhitt is steel shot, glass bead and plastic pellet filled, he has some weight but is not madly heavy. We have used very pale grey ultrasuede for his pads and paws, he has a brown stitched nose and shiny black English glass eyes. We do hope that you like him, he is really a very smart and striking bear and he costs £95 plus postage.
Please note that as with all our bears, Tyrwhitt is not a toy and is not suitable for children.