


Welcome to the New Year and our first bear for 2023 which is a sweet little Bouffant Babe called Clarissa. She is 4" tall and made from delightful hand dyed mohair, soft and dense, combined with short, straight mohair in a shade called Scarecrow Brown. Her hair is made from blonde mohair with a long, straight pile and it is held back from her face by a ribbon band decorated with a selection of ribbon flowers. We have given her toning brown cashmere paws and dark green ultrasuede pads, a green stitched nose, shiny black English glass eyes and a pale blue belly button. Clarissa is steel shot filled for a good weight, she is a pretty little girl and although we are in Winter now, we are looking ahead to Spring and the lovely colours of the first flowers of the year. We do hope that you like her, Clarissa costs £50 plus postage, for a larger photo of her visit our Instagram page by clicking on the link above.

Please note that as with all our bears, Clarissa is not a toy and is not suitable for children.

Sorry - Clarissa has been adopted.