"Patchwork Patryk"

"Patchwork Patryk"


Please read the Update on our Home Page before adopting one of our bears. There may be a delay in dispatch and only UK delivery is currently available.

We are delighted to introduce you to Patchwork Patryk, isn't he lovely? He is 5 1/2" tall and is made from nineteen individual pieces of mohair and alpaca in a lovely selection of shades and textures. I particularly like his tummy which is long copper wavy mohair tipped in black on one side and grey tipped white alpaca on the other. In style he has short legs with big feet, curved arms, a rounded tummy and a lovely heart shaped face. His nose is stitched in green thread highlighted with turquoise, he has shiny black English glass eyes and contrasting cashmere pads and paws. With his steel shot filling he is a good weight and is quite loosely jointed. Patchwork Patryk costs £54 including postage, I do hope you like him.

Please note that as with all our bears, Patchwork Patryk is not a toy and is not suitable for children.

Sorry - Patchwork Patryk has been adopted.