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We're in at Hugglets February 27th 2011.
(February 24, 2011)We are delighted to let you all know that we have managed to secure a cancellation table at Hugglets on Sunday 27th (this Sunday.) Whilst this is bad news for the person who should have been there, we are really pleased that we have managed to get in and we do hope you will come and visit us. We are in Hall 1, Stand 48 which is on the left hand side as you enter Hall 1.
Hugglets is the UK's biggest Teddy Bear Fair, held at Kensington Town Hall in London twice a year. There will be thousands of bears on offer and we are busy sewing to make sure that we have lots of new bears to tempt you with. So come and see us if you can, the fair opens at 10.30am.