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The Doll and Teddy Bear World for Ukraine.
(April 07, 2022)Update - Thursday 25th August total raised 21,021.35 euros.
Friday 12th August, total raised 20,977.17 euros.
Sunday 31st July, total raised 20,037.03 euros - they made it!
We are delighted that the appeal has managed to reach their 20,000 euros target but the work continues as the war sadly continues. Please help if you can. The website is
Friday 15th July, total raised 19,978.96 euros.
They are almost there! If you would like to help push them over the total goal amount of 20,000 euros, details of how to send a donation can be found below.
Sunday 26th June, total raised 18,808.49 euros.
This amount includes the £55 we received for the adoption of Bluebell, our second bear made to support this appeal and the bear and doll artitsts of Ukraine. As you can see, the appeal is not far off their aim of raising 20,000 euros and if you feel you can help, the details of how to make an online donation are shown below.
Monday 16th May, total raised 16,698.66 euros.
Friday 6th May, total raised 16,276.93 euros.
Monday 2nd May, total raised 16,089.73 euros.
Tuesday 26th April, total raised 15,957.69 euros.
Saturday 16th April, total raised 15,293.56 euros.
Friday 15th April, total raised 15,281.77 euros.
Sunday 10th April, total raised 14,518.25 euros.
As recipients of our Newsletter will know, we made a Teddy Bear called Sunflower to raise money for the appeal set up by the organisers of Hugglets and other Teddy and Doll fairs around the World. The appeal can be found at and every penny of the money raised will go directly to help Ukrainian doll and bear makers with food, clothes, accomodation or travel expenses. Many of these people are known personally by them because of their contact at the fairs previously held in the Ukraine and they are in dire need of our help. The appeal aims to raise 20,000 euro's and at the time of writing this, they have raised 14,116.70 euro's part of which is the £55 we raised with Sunflower. Please visit the donorbox page to read all about the appeal and we will keep you updated with the amount raised.
It may only have been £55 but every penny we can send helps someone desperately in need, Teddy Bear people trying to help other Teddy Bear people when they need it the most. If we make another bear for the appeal we will let you know.