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Haven Bears join Instagram!
(June 21, 2018)Haven Bears have finally (partly!) embraced the 21st century and joined Instagram! If you have an Instagram account you can follow us at havenbearsandhares where you can see new bears as they are finished and Haven Bears on Tour as we travel around the country for fairs!
The photo's we add to Instagram will show on our new Instagram Page here on the Haven Bears Website as a Gallery and if you click on the link to our Instagram Profile and then click on the individual photo's of the bears you can read all about them. Any of these bears that are available to adopt will be added to our Shop pages in the usual way and we will still of course be sending out our Newsletter by post, that hasn't changed. We just decided after years of shying away from social media that we should drag ourselves into the future! So if you have an Instagram account Follow Us and see all of our new bears as soon as they are finished.